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FREJA manufaktura, s. r. o.
Fr. Šumavského 189
339 01 Klatovy

Phone: +420 376 312 365
Mobile: +420 737 772 695
E-mail: FREJAmanufaktura@email.cz

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ID: 24315788
VAT ID: CZ24315788
File reference: C 27917 u KS in Pilsen

Jan Vítovec: +420 737 772 695
František Kapusta: +420 605 518 477

Write to us

Dear visitors,
Thank you for your visit. You can enquire about any of our products or services using the form below. We will answer your enquiry as soon as possible.

Thank you for your interest.
The team of
FREJA Manufaktura s.r.o.

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose of responding. For more information, see principles of processing personal data